Blogging & Business

As well as being the All-Powerful Mother Unit for my magnificent Ling Clan, I've also been a rather productive mompreneur now since 1997! 

You can read my business bio over at this link.  As you can see, when it comes to building up successful sites online…it's something of a hobby, aye?  🙂

If you're a blogger newbie or want to start your own business online, you might be interested in the following books I've written.

BeginnersComprehensiveOnline BusinessAffiliate MarketingVideo MarketingFacebook FanPaging

Satisfying Snack – Expert Groundwork

Expert GroundworkMy extreme beginners book – clocking in at only 25 pages, making it a very quick satisfying read indeed, it takes you by the hand and directs you to all the tutorial, handholding resources out there online that will enable you to master *your* Social Traffic Attraction* factor.

It's for sale on my Weekly Expert Sales site.

  • Click HERE to learn more!


Complete 4 Course Gourmet Meal – Income Fitness

Make no mistake about this, this is *the* single most comprehensive guide you can find out there for dominating your particular niche, be it home, living, fitness, health, parenting, moose-wrangling, ice carving, soap making, accounting, new-aging, life-coaching, sky-diving, PTA'ing, baking, sewing, MOPARing….

Get the idea?  🙂 

Close to 200 pages in length, this blueprint takes you by the hand and walks you through how to set up all of your personal blogging and social networking…and then how to methodically start to build up your own authority status.

It's the exact methods I follow meself.

Click HERE to check it out!


Power Workout – 21 Easy Steps To Putting Your Business on the Internet in LESS than 24 Hours

Do you already have your own business in real life….and now want to attract a whole new set of eager buying customers and clients *online*?

If so, you'll *love* what you read here!

Honestly, there's so much hand-holding and secrets revealed…let me let you read it for yourself (you'll see the story about Lingstar Learning too!).

Click HERE to learn more!



Under The Radar – Fast Track Affiliate Marketing Power

I've been affiliate marketing now for over a decade…and the skills I've managed to teach myself during those past 10 years can be yours in 30 seconds!

In a nutshell, you'll learn the secrets that successful solo affiliate marketers use to slant the odds tremendously in their favor so they enjoy more and more sales.

With that…

Click HERE to learn more!


Shy Person Product – Video Marketing Blueprint

This nifty video series is a godsend if you're just plain scared of video marketing.

Heck, I was too!  The mere notion of putting myself on a video frightened the earlobes off of me, until I taught myself how to just freakin' DO IT by beginning with free tools and the like. 

You can even read an article I wrote about video marketing here….and then grab this great tutorial for less than $10 over at this link HERE!


Facebook Fanpage Blueprint

Facebook Fanpage BlueprintDo you have your own Facebook fanpage?

I love recommending this one because it provided ideas that even I never realized!

Plus, I manage to tie together the Old Spice Guy and Grover from Sesame Street – what more could you want?  🙂

Click HERE to learn more!