The Perils of Instant Coffee
I can so relate to this…. 🙂 Parent powerfully, — MamaBear
Personal Gods
How religions are created… Click on the comic above to see it all! Parent powerfully, MamaBear
Why Spam Works
It's true, alas….. Click on the comic above to see it all! Parent powerfully, MamaBear
The TRUE Song of the Wails!
This….is hysterical. 🙂 Click on the comic to see it all! Parent powerfully, — MamaBear
Two great tastes that taste great together!
Classic for creativity in cooking! Click on the comic above to see it all! Parent powerfully, — MamaBear
The Shocking Truth About Weather Reporters and Stock Brokers
Have to agree! Click on the comic above to see it all!
Victorian Sharks!
All it needs is Atlantic City…. Click on the comic above to see it all!
Can’t wait for Back To School?
Here's a truckload of patience now! Parent powerfully, — MamaBear