
Entrepreneuring Posts of 8/17/11

As well as being MamaBear, I'm also a seasoned entrepreneur of 14+ years!

Enjoy todays' postings over from

Handbag Tote Affiliate Marketing

Ever wonder what's the most gifted Handbag Totes these days? See below! And then scroll to the bottom to learn how you can add anything from to your site as well…complete with your affiliate ID embedded to boot. 

Why the HELL should I care about you in 2012?

Morning! It's August! And 2012 is only 4-odd months away! So let me now ask you the following critical question about your business in 2012. Can you tell me why people should care about you? Hmmmm? I mean, let's be serious.

Tell Yourself Today – CHANGE the game.

Sometimes we feel that no matter what we do…we'll never get a fair shake. Other times, it's pretty obvious that everyone *else* is holding all the cards. The thing is, though… We can *choose* to change the game. If you feel you're at a disadvantage…. Change Your Game

When You’re Clueless At Politics….


Management quality…indeed.  Click on the comic above to see it all!

Parent Powerfully,

— MamaBear

ps – speaking about business, have you seen:

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Dear Mama Bear

“Should my kids be on Facebook?”