
Today’s Powerful Marketing Posts 08/24/11

As well as being MamaBear, I'm also a rather well-seasoned veteran marketer too!

Enjoy my marketing posts for today.


Best Selling Portable GPS – Affiliate Marketing and Making Money


Ever wonder what are the best selling GPS these days? And ever wish you could make money from that knowledge? Wonder no more – check 'em out below!  And then scroll down further to see just how I managed to create this page in under 30 seconds…complete with my Amazon affiliate ID to boot….


Tell yourself today – Shun Stupidity


Sometimes…we go out of our ways for people who just don't give a damn. And sometimes, we try to give from the heart…only to realize, it's just not appreciated whatsoever. But you know something?



Good morning!

Ever wish you could tame Google to the point that no matter what you require, you can almost instantly uncover it online?



Admit it – it's right on target.  :)

Parent powerfully,

— MamaBear

ps – speaking about marketing, have you seen:

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“Sewing isn’t right for boys.”

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The Brilliantly Secret Use For IKEA You NEVER Even Considered