

When the SH*T hits YOUR Hairbrush and Other Parenting Insanities

It was an adventure like no other, y'know? Sigh…. Yes indeed, Mama Bear was happily ensconced in her bathroom, pulling on her karate gi and otherwise making sure her outwards persona didn't frighten small impressionable children (immediately, that is). Life was joyous!  Glorious!  All that remained was that MamaBear had to brush out her long […]

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Time-Outs Are Just Plain Stupid

Every time I hear a parent telling their child, "you're going to be in (gasp!) TIME OUT!", I cringe. What an incredibly stupid idea. I mean, just consider what exactly a time-out does. I think some parents have this blissful idea that children will think on their transgressions and realize quite how wrong their actions […]

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Free Lined Paper!

Does your kid ever run out of paper? Did you know you can print lined paper for free? HB2 just finished choosing to do a half-buttocked performance on his kitchen chores, so MamaBear decided that a useful consequence would be to write these three paragraphs. What he did wrong. Why he chose to do it […]

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