Camp Ling
Week 5, Day 2 Camp Ling – its slooooowin’ down!
I confess. The kids are having such a good time doing their own thing that it's really tempting to let them spend summer as they'd like. I still plan on early morning jogging and blogging and mathing and all that…. But hey. School starts next month! It's time to enjoy the remaining…hmmm….time. 🙂 Methinks this […]
Week 5, Day 1 – Camp Ling! It’s August!
Today is August 1st! And you know what that means, right? That means… School starts next month!! Woohoo! 🙂 Life is going along so swimmingly these days….it seems like I'm just repeating myself for every update. But let's see what's for today. Boys have Rec camp and Math, girls have math and writing, I have […]
Week 4, Day 4, Camp Ling! Wild Tomatoes Calling
Yawn…today is Day 4 of Week 4 of the gloriousness known as Camp Ling! Wheeeee! I have to admit, yesterday turned out to be quite enjoyable indeed. HD2 became one with the iron: I saw my foot evaporate: I created an awesome allegory from base materials like: In the afternoon, I picked up HS2's friend […]
Week 4, Day 3 – Camp Ling! Total regrouping
Gotta love…recovery. I think one of the best things about running a summer camp for my kids is that things can change at a moment's notice…and turned into the most awesome learning experiences imaginable. Yesterday…was definitely one of those days. You see, MamaBear woke up to see HS1 and HS2 totally ignored their responsibilities, and […]
Week 4, Day 2, Camp Ling! Reality check
Morning! Today is Week 4 and Day 2 of Camp Ling, and wow, it's character-building. Well, actually, Camp itself isn't…it's more like the summer….is. 🙂 Activity-wise, it was lots of fun: My morning gardening adventures revealed: which got turned into veggie art like so! At the gym, HD2 and I blurred the time-space continuum again: […]
Week 3, Day 5 – Camp Ling! 105 degree heat
I was a wee bit late posting this, but hey – better late than never! Week 3, day 5 of Camp Ling went extremely….very…..exceedingly…..calm and quiet. 🙂 It went up to 105 degrees, so there went my early morning moose running, hiking to the library and the like! Plus, HD1 and HD2 were having a […]
Week 3, Day 4 – Camp Ling! Take it easy leg day, math/writing, more!
Howdy! Today is Week 3 and Day 4 of Camp Ling! Yesterday, as I had expected, I was extremely lenient….HS1 and HS2 had a field trip most of the day, HS1 wanted to spend the day reading, and HS2 and I bounced about like so: Yes, yesterday we descended upon the manly weight room; she […]
Week 3, Day 3, Camp Ling – ALMOST a day off
You know, Camp Ling would be far more effective if I had 3 times the hours in the day! 🙂 Not that the kids are complaining; the days just seem to zoom by and they're kept busy. For example, yesterday HD2 and I reveled in flinging about the iron like so: Yes, that's set at […]
Week 3, Day 2 – Camp Ling! Roller skating, Logic, Crushing Legs, more!
Today is Week 3, Day 2 of that godlike adventure known as Camp Ling! Wow, the summer is just plain rocketin' along. Yesterday was very enjoyable; HD2 and I became one with the iron like so: I can now arm curl 30 pounds (still 10 pounds less than my peak, wah), push down 95 pounds, […]
Week 3, Day 1 – Camp Ling! Arms day, pullup day, more
Today begins the 3rd week of Camp Ling! And it's going rather nice, I must say. The easiest part, of course, is the physical fitness and getting up at 6am and goodies like that! Honestly though, the hours just zoom by, so staying on track with academics is a bit challenging. Still, though, every little […]