
Tell Your Child Today – Lead by Example

Sometimes our kids find themselves part of a mob.

Or possibly standing next to a group of other rabid vultures who are picking on someone.

Facing down a crowd…

It's scary, it *certainly* is that!

But….it's also the *right* thing to do.

Today, tell your child to lead by example.

If they see someone is being bullied, if at all possible, walk up to them, take them by the hand, comfort them and lead them away.

If not, report them to school authorities but also….

Go up to the kid afterwards and apologize for not standing up in the first place.

It is true that sometimes, we *are* too scared to make a stand.  And honestly, while that is *wrong* with a capital W, it's a plain fact of life. 

In other words, encourage your child to lead by example and either be there for the person in question, or man up, cupcake, enough to admit when they dropped the ball.

It's extremely empowering, indeed.

Parent powerfully,

— MamaBear

ps – speaking about leading by example, have you seen:


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