

RANT – The #1 Stupidest Parenting Fail… Are YOU Guilty of This?

Sometimes…I confess. MamaBear just utterly despises namby-pamby, wimpy pathetic parents who lack the brass-plated balls to inspire their kids….in the *right* way. Let me explain.  I now decree the following. Children can scientifically be divided into 3 easy-to-generalize categories. Leaders, Followers and Independents. Leaders are those kids around whom their peers gather.  They say "jump", […]

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Tell Your Child Today – Lead by Example

Sometimes our kids find themselves part of a mob. Or possibly standing next to a group of other rabid vultures who are picking on someone. Facing down a crowd… It's scary, it *certainly* is that! But….it's also the *right* thing to do. Today, tell your child to lead by example. If they see someone is […]

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“My kids secretly pinch one another, how can I stop this?

From the mailbag: "Dear Mama Bear, I have two young children who generally get along well, but sometimes get really mad at each other and pinch each other when I'm not looking.  How can I get them to stop this habit? Thin-skinned in Washington" Dear TSiW, Sigh.  MamaBear assumes this has been going on for […]

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“My kid is being bullied but I do NOT approve of her fighting.”

From the mailbag: "Dear Mama Bear, My 11 year old is continuously coming home crying because she's being teased and hit by other kids at her school.  I really worry about her self-esteem!  However, I do not think fighting solves any problems, so how can I help her stop the bullying? Sincerely, Baffled in Texas" […]

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When Bullies Bully

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